The Diabetes Reset
Actual excerpts from The Diabetes Reset:
"In searching for a convenient way to reliably activate brown fat, he (Dr. Aaron Cypress, M.D., Ph.D.) struck on the idea of taking cooling vests”vests containing tubelike compartments that can be filled with cold water*, which are often worn by surgeons and their surgical teams to keep from overheating during long procedures under the hot lights of the operating room”and using them on research subjects in order to activate their brown fat stores. After some trial and error (including initial experiments on himself), Dr. Cypess found that filling the vest with 57°F water was ideal for activating brown fat (p.139)."
"Repeated experiments have shown that within just
five minutes of donning the vests, brown fat activity starts showing up in 95%
of test subjects. These results, which Dr. Cypess published recently, have
helped establish brown fat's potential as a bona fide weight-loss mechanism
"If brown fat can lower the
point where your brain thinks your body weight should be, it could turn out to
be an important mechanism for boosting
daily energy expenditure and keeping weight loss off (p. 140)."
*The vest used was the Polar Cool Flow Cooling Vest
with Circulating Chiller System
1King, G. L. (2014). The Diabetes Reset. New York, NY: Workman Publishing, Company, Inc.