Brown fat is a special type of body
fat, found in small amounts in most people, that consumes calories to generate
heat at a very high rate when activated by cold temperatures. 1 Losing
weight is so important for people with type 2 diabetes. By stimulating brown
fat, you can burn an extra two hundred to three hundred calories per day. Think
about it- that is enough to drop a pound of body fat in just a couple of weeks!1 Wear the Polar Products cooling vests
for 2 hours per day, when you are working out, after work, before going to bed,
watching TV etc., and you can burn extra calories with no additional effort! It
is suggested, for best results, to make other lifestyle changes as well such as
physical activity, diet, stress management, etc.
Polar cooling vests have been tested
and featured in such studies that focus on the activation of brown fat!
See additional research studies that
have featured our products here!
How does it work?
Colder temperatures send a signal to
your brain, which then acts to stimulate brown fat activity in two ways: by sending
nerve impulses to brown adipose tissues cells that stimulate an additional
boost in cellular activity and by acting on your vascular system to increase
blood flow to your brown adipose tissue stores.1 Once brown fat is
activated, it will begin to burn calories! That's it!
1King, G. L. (2014). The Diabetes Reset. New York,
NY: Workman Publishing, Company, Inc.
2 Maria Chondronikola, Elena Volpi, Elisabet B¸rsheim, Craig Porter, Palam Annamalai, Sven Enerbck, Martin E. Lidel, Manish K. Saraf1, Sebastien M. Labbel, Nicholas M. Hurren, Christina Yfanti1, Tony Chao, Clark R. Andersen, Fernando Cesani,Hal Hawkins, Labros S. Sidossis (December, 2014). Brown Adipose Tissue Improves Whole-Body Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Sensitivity in Humans. Diabetes, 63(12), 4089-4099.
3Aaron M. Cypessa,
Yih-Chieh Chenb, Cathy Szea, Ke Wangb,
Jeffrey Englishb, Onyee
Chana, Ashley R. Holmana, Ilan Talb,
Matthew R. Palmerb, Gerald M.
Kolodnyb, C. Ronald Kahna. (June 19,
2012). Cold but no sympathomimetics activates human brown adipose tissue in
vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(25).