Experience ultimate comfort with our discreet bra and groin cooling options, perfect for staying cool and comfortable in any situation.
Bra, Upper Arm and/or Groin: These discreet cooling products use Cool 58® Phase Change Cooling Packsto provide direct cooling relief in any climate. Packs fully charge (freeze) at 58ºF (14.4°C) and provide a comfortable, constant cooling temperature of 58ºF. Packs are kept necessarily small and lightweight, therefore the cooling time is less than in other applications. Generally up to 1.5 hrs. depending on a number of variable factors. These packs can be recharged in a container of ice water in just 10 to 15 minutes! Additional time required if activating packs in the refrigerator. We do not recommend a freezer for this product as the pack will be too cold to wear safely and comfortably.
Leg and Groin: Our Leg & Groin Wrap uses our Kool Max® Frozen Water-Based Cooling Packs to provide discreet, comfortable cooling for the upper thigh. These packs also work in any climate. They require access to a freezer and offer the highest level of cooling energy for up to 1.5 to 2 hours. It's science! It takes more energy to charge these packs in a freezer and in return, the packs offer greater cooling energy for a longer time.
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