Achilles tendinitis is caused by overstressing the tendon that connects the calf muscles to your heel bone. Cryotherapy can help!
Relevant Articles on Achilles Tendinitis regarding Cold Therapy:
"Applying ice to the area can decrease inflammation and decrease inflammation and relieve the pain associated with it. Apply ice after exercise, as well as several other times over the course of the day. Treatments targeted at controlling inflammation is particularly helpful in the treatment of acute inflammatory Achilles tendonitis."
"Intermittent cryotherapy of 3×10 min significantly decreases local Achilles tendon mid-portion capillary blood flow by 71%. Within 2 min of rewarming, tendon oxygen saturation is re-established following cryotherapy. Postcapillary venous filling pressures are reduced during cryotherapy, favoring capillary venous outflow of the healthy Achilles tendon."
British Journal of Sports Medicine
The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult a licensed healthcare practitioner before using any hot/cold therapy or body cooling product for a medical condition.
The following cold therapy products may be of interest: