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"Outstanding product and customer service"

on 9/22/2022 9:41:31 AM

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Details: I have been fighting migraines for over 30 years. Using ice packs on my head is about the only thing that gives me any sort of relief but it has been expensive to keep an instant supply of ice packs along with freezer space and the fact they don’t stay cold very long. When I came across Polar Products on the internet I knew I had to give them a try. I don’t miss the ice packs. Their system supplies a colder relief for a much longer time with a comfort feel that ice packs cannot deliver.

In addition to having great products, their customer service is unmatched! In today’s world, products are cheaply made and customer service is terrible. Most companies make it impossible to find a way to contact them and if you are lucky enough to find a way to contact them it takes days to hear back from them. Sometimes you never get a response back. I reached out to Polar Products customer service today and I received a response within a few minutes along with a resolution. I didn’t have to go back and forth with them or fill out any forms or beg for help. They simply responded back quickly expressing their apologies for my issues and included that they would be sending me a replacement for the part I was having an issue with. A couple minutes later I received a notice from FedEx that the part was on its way to me.

Thank you for the personal, friendly, prompt customer service!!! It is nice to know there are still people and companies that care about their customers.

Location: IL

Would you recommend this to a friend?: Yes, highly recommend

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