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on 8/26/2020 4:31:08 PM

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Details: Having Multiple Sclerosis I don’t tolerate heat well. Living in Texas it tends to get unbelievably hot for me. My vest is easy to take with me and when I get overheated I get it wet and it helps me cool down.

Location: Texas

Would you recommend this to a friend?: yes

"I enjoy your products immensely."

on 8/26/2020 4:30:42 PM

Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star

Details: Your Evaporative Cooling Vest works great when on my motorcycle in 100+ degree temperatures.

Location: Tucson, AZ

"amazingly good"

on 8/26/2020 4:30:15 PM

Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star

Details: I use my vest under my blazer at horse shows where I am required to wear boots, breeches, helmet, gloves, etc. while riding a hot horse in extreme heat. It is a godsend, and I highly reccommend it.

Location: Victoria, BC

Would you recommend this to a friend?: Definitely


on 8/26/2020 4:29:44 PM

Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star Empty Star

Details: This has helped my son while he is mowing lawns He suffer from heat stroke a couple of times and during our 90 to 100 degree he said he did ok . I would buy other products when needed. Thank You

Location: New Jersey

Would you recommend this to a friend?: For sure

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