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NeuroMyelitis Optica (NMO)

With more than 30 years of experience in manufacturing cooling garments for people living with heat intolerance, we hear from many individuals on how our cooling products have helped them live a happier and more enjoyable life.

Heat Related Issues with Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO)
Studies have shown that even small increases in body temperature can impact nerve conduction speed (how fast nerves talk to each other and other parts of the body). Exercising, sitting outside in the sun, having a fever, or taking a hot bath can all cause these small changes. Increases in body temperature may also lead to more inflammation. Proteins related inflammation can lead to additional symptoms like fatigue and pain.

Some research has suggested that using cooling methods before and during exercise may help. These include using cool compresses or cooling vests. Talk to your doctor about any limitations you may have with NMO when it comes to exercise or being outside. Source: Neuromyelitis-Optica.net

Also, as reported in October 13, 2021 WebMD.com article, "Living with Neuromyelitis Optica,” heat can trigger pain in people with NMO, so don't get overheated. Your doctor may suggest personal cooling devices like fans or wearable devices. Source: WebMD.com


The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult a licensed healthcare practitioner before using any hot/cold therapy or body cooling product for a medical condition.

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